Journals, Literature, Poetry

The Byron Journal celebrates 50th Anniversary Milestone

The Byron Journal has reached an impressive milestone this month with the publication of its 50th issue. To celebrate, we're sharing a selection of Free to Read articles for the month alongside books about the poet. Take a look via the LUP blog:

Literature, Poetry

Some Bright Eternity: Shelley at 200

‘Shelley, the writer of some infidel poetry, has been drowned: now he knows whether there is a God or no’. So wrote a Tory reviewer after Shelley’s premature death. Cruel as the remark is, the reviewer accidentally lights upon the questions that had preoccupied the poet throughout his short life: is there a God and is there life after death? Madeleine Callaghan discusses this as a crucial facet of her new book, Eternity in British Romantic Poetry for the bicentenary of Percy Bysshe Shelley's death.


‘I Find His Letters Startling for Their Immediacy and Power’ – Madeleine Callaghan Discusses the Life and Art of Percy Bysshe Shelley

To celebrate the release of Shelley's Living Artistry, author Madeleine Callaghan discusses the life of Percy Bysshe Shelley and the shifting relationship between the poet's art and life.  Out of all of the Romantic poets, what was it about Shelley in particular that attracted you to writing a book on his life and work? I chose to … Continue reading